Farouk Kannout

Hello! My name is Farouk. I’m a multimedia artist/creative who works in the mediums of film, music, and writing. I hope you enjoy your stay here. 

Farouk Kannout

Hello! My name is Farouk. I’m a multimedia artist/creative who works in the mediums of film, music, and writing. I hope you enjoy your stay here.


From November 2017 - December 2020, I was one of the lead editors of the online zine Play Underground! This is a multimedia web zine I co-started with a few of my friends that focuses on pop culture and video games. I’ve always loved writing and doing multimedia work around these topics so this was a great way for me to learn how to be a writer before I knew how to get into the industry professionally! My work for Play Underground involved writing and editing articles, producing and being a co-host on our monthly podcast with my fellow editors, managing and posting to social media, and organizing online events for our audience to partake in. 

If you want a full example of one of the monthly issues of the magazine, you can find it below. :D

Play Underground Magazine’s September Issue